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The DPS Made the List: The Fastest Growing Companies

5 Revenue Boosting Hacks For A Successful Holiday Season

Apr 01, 2024

Did you know 73% of small businesses attribute more than one quarter of their annual sales to the holiday period?*

So in a planning sense, it looks like the holidays are here again. If you have big ideas, now is the time to dive in and make them happen. And, if you’re stuck ideating about how to make an impact this holiday season, this guide is here to help you think bigger for your best holiday season yet.

HACK 1: START NOW When you get ahead of things instead of being forced into rushed timelines, the possibilities are truly endless. Instead of being beholden to stock packaging and in-stock, ready-to-go soft goods options, getting ahead gives you the opportunity to think bigger and custom product packaging and items that are truly unique to your brand.

HACK 2: TAP INTO TRENDS Our team of product and retail experts has done all the research you need to make your holiday product a success. From keeping up with launches of years past, staying tuned into what’s new and upcoming, and talking to consumers and brands ourselves, download the white paper to see what’s going to be big this holiday season.

HACK 3: CONSIDER THE BIG PICTURE Creating amazing holiday products and brand experiences is just one piece of the holiday success puzzle. Our team of product experts can help you come up with a plan to make your holiday newness jump off the shelf or screen with strategic marketing campaigns and activations—whether you have a product idea ready to go or need full-scale support.

HACK 4: TRY, TEST & REPEAT When you start on product and packaging development now, you have more time to put a marketing plan into action with ample time to market, and get real-life feedback on your product—ensuring it’s absolutely perfect and you’ve cultivated consumer demand by the time the holiday season rolls around for consumers.

HACK 5: SIT BACK & RELAX Relax??? When the holidays are practically already here? Yep, it’s possible. If your team’s bandwidth is low, your budget is tight, and you just can’t fathom the idea of another to-do this soon in the year, our team of experts is here to help.

To get more in-depth with timelines, product packaging details, and marketing for holiday, download the white paper. Or, to get started on your holiday project (good on you!), contact us today.

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